Projects On-going
- Laboratory Investigation on Berm Breakwater, Sponsored by : Indian National Committee on Hydraulic Research (INCH), MoWR, Duration : 2010 -16, Cost : 14.88 Lakhs, Co-ordinators : Prof. Subba Rao, (PI & Co-ordinator), Dr. Kiran G Shirlal, K. Balakrishna Rao, (Investigators)
- Virtual laboratory - FM Lab – Simulation, Sponsored by : NMEICT – MHRD, Duration : 2011-17, Cost : 120.0 (Total 450 ) Lakhs, Coordinators : Pruthviraj U. (LC), K.V.Gangadharan (IC)
- Virtual laboratory - SOM Lab, Sponsored by : NMEICT – MHRD, Duration : 2011-17, Cost : 50 (Total 100 ) Lakhs, Co-ordinators : Pruthviraj U. (LC), K.V.Gangadharan (IC)
- Remote triggered Lab, Sponsored by : NMEICT – MHRD, Duration : 2012-17, Cost : 150.0 Lakhs, Co-ordinators : Pruthviraj (LC), K V Gangadharan (IC) &, Ravikiran Kadoli (LC)
- Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) Program – 2014, Sponsored by : DST, Govt. of India, Duration : 2015-20, Cost : 209.0 Lakhs, Co-ordinators : Subba Rao , G.S.Dwarakish, H.Ramesh, Manu & Pruthviraj U.
- Coupled dynamic analysis associated with the response and design loads of offshore floating wind turbine, Sponsored by : SERB, DST, Govt. of India, Duration : 2016-18, Cost : 25.0 Lakhs, Co-ordinator : Debabrata Karmakar
- Hydrodynamic performance characteristics of Caisson type breakwater, Sponsored by : Ministry of Earth Sciences, Duration : 2016-21, Cost : 78..84 Lakhs, Co-ordinators : Manu (PI), Subba Rao (Co-PI) & A.Vittal Hegde(Co-PI)
- Optimal Damping of porous screen in Tuned Liquid Damper-Structure interaction, Sponsored by : SERB, DST, Govt. of India, Duration : 2016-19, Cost : 32.67 Lakhs, Co-ordinator : T. Nasar
- Consultancy towards report on sand mining in west flowing river in Udupi District, Client : Deputy Director Sand Mining Committee, DC Office Complex, Udupi, Faculty involved : Prof. S.G.Mayya, Amount : 7.96 Lakhs
- Consultancy towards construction of pump house augmentation of fire fighting facility at Berth No. 13 to handle VLGCS at NMPT Panambur, Client : NMPT Panambur, Faculty involved : Prof. Subba Rao, Prof. K.G.Shirlal and Dr. Manu, Amount : 5.7 Lakhs
- Consultancy towards report on sand mining in west flowing river in Udupi District, Client : Deputy Director, Sand Mining Committee, DC Office Complex, Udupi, Faculty involved : Prof. S.G.Mayya, Amount Rs. 2.0 Lakhs
- Consultancy and Testing of water samples in NMPT area, Client : NMPT, Panambur Faculty involved : Prof. M.K.Nagaraj & Prof. Srihari Amout : 3.0 Lakhs
- Consultancy work towards, topography, survey work of submerging area of sahasralingeshwara power project , Client : Sahasralingeshwar Power Project Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Faculty involved : Prof. S.G.Mayya, Amount : 1.0 Lakhs
- Rural Water Supply project for 11 villages of Mangalore Taluq with vented dam across Gurupur river at Malavoor village, Client : D.K.Panchayath Raj Engg. Divisiion, Mangalore, Faculty Involved : Prof. S.G.Mayya, Prof. A.Mahesha, Prof. Subba Rao, Prof. M.K.Nagaraj and Dr. Manu, Amount : Rs. 7.50 Lakh
- Surge analysis for Lift – 3 of Chintalapudi Lift Irrigation Scheme at Pumping Station – 3, Client : M/s Megha Engg. Infrastructures Ltd., Hyderabad, Faculty involved : Prof. S.G.Mayya & Prof. A.Mahesha, Amount : Rs. 4.50 Lakhs
- Surge analysis for Lift-2 of Chintelapudi Lift Irrigation scheme at PS-2, Client :M/s Megha Engg. Infrastructures Ltd., Hyderabad, Faculty involved : Prof. S.G.Mayya & Prof. A.Mahesha. Amount : Rs. 8.42 Lakhs
- Surge analysis for Lift -1 of Chintalapudi Lift Irrigation scheme at PS-I, Client : M/s Megha Engg. Infrastructures Ltd., Hyderabad, Faculty involed : Prof. S.G.Mayya & Prof. A.Mahesha, Amount : Rs. 4.50 Lakhs